Noah™ member weight loss after 3 months of weight loss treatment
"I've lost a total of 12kg in 3 months!"
Yash, Noah Member
Feel good
weight loss

Lose 9-20% of your body weight in one year.*

FDA approved for lasting weight loss
*In a 56-week trial with 3,731 non-diabetic overweight (BMI ≥27) or obese (BMI ≥30) participants, those who finished (1,812 patients) lost an average of 9.2% body weight with Saxenda, alongside diet and exercise.
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What 9% weight loss 
could look like
for you

Find out what your BMI indicates

Your BMI indicates that you may be
BMI provides an estimate of weight classification. For a thorough analysis of your weight and medical options, arrange a teleconsult with a Noah doctor.

*Medical treatment may not be appropriate for you even if you have a high BMI
A short-haired Singaporean man in a white hoodie standing in broad daylight
Your estimated weight loss in 1 year*
*In a 56-week trial with 3,731 non-diabetic overweight (BMI ≥27) or obese (BMI ≥30) participants, those who finished (1,812 patients) lost an average of 9.2% body weight with Saxenda, alongside diet and exercise.
scientific solutions

what to expect?

Month 1-3
After 3 months of treatment
Treatment begins to improve metabolic function
Experience reduced cravings and improved eating habits.
Decreased caloric intake
Month 4-6
After 6 months of treatment
Achieve around 5% weight loss
Experience better eating control
Enhanced energy levels, and improved sleep.
Month 7-12
After 9 months of treatment
Possibly achieving a 9-20% weight reduction.
Reductions in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels
Biometric health improvements
Month 1-3
Treatment begins to improve metabolic function
Experience reduced cravings and improved eating habits.
Decreased caloric intake
Month 4-6
Achieve around 5% weight loss
Experience better eating control
Enhanced energy levels, and improved sleep.
Month 7-12
Possibly achieving a 10% weight reduction.
Reductions in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels
Biometric health improvements
It's important to remember that these outcomes can vary
proven with facts
the science behind
the medication
Designed by Singaporean doctors and nutritionists for long-term results.
reduces calorie intake
Saxenda aids in lowering calorie intake by mimicking GLP-1, which increases feelings of fullness.
lowers your ‘set point’
Works on the brain to reduce the body's natural 'set point' weight, potentially leading to sustained weight loss.
slows stomach emptying
Delays gastric emptying to help users feel full longer, reducing the urge to eat more frequently.
suppresses appetite
Targets areas in the brain involved in appetite regulation to decrease hunger and control cravings between meals.
Weight loss injection/slimming pen
Singaporean man in a dark hoodie, using his phone while sitting down with his leg against the edge of a table

How the Program works?

Eligibility Quiz
Begin your path to health with our quick assessment. Answer a series of questions to determine if our program is right for you. Simple, fast, and the first step towards a healthier you.
Get treatment delivered
Receive personalised treatment plans tailored to your needs, delivered discreetly to your doorstep. Convenience meets care, providing you with the tools for successful health management.
Follow-up care
Ongoing support is key to your success. Our dedicated team offers continuous care, ensuring you stay on track with your health goals. Connect with us for adjustments, advice, or a dose of motivation.

have questions?


Dr Kevin Chua
Clinical Lead At Noah (Singapore)
What is Saxenda and what is it used for?

Saxenda is a prescription medicine for weight management. It is prescribed for adults with excess weight or obesity, to help them lose weight and keep it off.

ANSWERED BY DR KEVIN CHUA, Clinical Lead at Noah (Singapore)

How does Saxenda work?

Saxenda works like a hormone the body produces naturally that regulates appetite, known as GLP-1, to help control hunger and manage weight.

ANSWERED BY DR KEVIN CHUA, Clinical Lead at Noah (Singapore)

How is Saxenda administered?

Saxenda is injected subcutaneously, meaning under the skin, typically in the abdomen, thigh, or upper arm once daily.

ANSWERED BY DR KEVIN CHUA, Clinical Lead at Noah (Singapore)

What are the possible side effects of Saxenda?

Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, injection site reactions, and low blood sugar. More serious side effects may occur and should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

ANSWERED BY DR KEVIN CHUA, Clinical Lead at Noah (Singapore)

What is the long-term impact of using Saxenda?

Long-term use of Saxenda, in conjunction with diet and exercise, has been associated with sustained weight loss. It may also contribute to improvements in various health indicators such as blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. However, like any medication, it can have side effects, and its long-term use should be regularly monitored by a healthcare provider. It's important to discuss the risks and benefits of long-term treatment with Saxenda with your healthcare provider.

ANSWERED BY DR KEVIN CHUA, Clinical Lead at Noah (Singapore)

Safety information
  • Thyroid tumors have been noted in rodent studies with Saxenda, so it should not be used in patients with a personal or family history of MTC or MEN 2.
  • Pancreatitis has been reported in patients taking Saxenda. It should be discontinued if pancreatitis is suspected.
  • Saxenda may cause hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes on anti-diabetic therapy.

ANSWERED BY DR KEVIN CHUA, Clinical Lead at Noah (Singapore)

Contraindications for Saxenda
  • Personal or family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC).
  • Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN 2)
  • Pregnancy, as weight loss offers no potential benefit during this time and can harm an unborn baby.
  • Allergic reactions to liraglutide or any other components of Saxenda.

ANSWERED BY DR KEVIN CHUA, Clinical Lead at Noah (Singapore)

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